
PSIVT provides official hotels listed below for its participants. We invite you to book your hotel through registration. We also provide some other hotels near the venue. You can book your hotel through the hotel web-site if you choose one of them.

Map around Venue

Here is a map around the venue with hotels' IDs described below and subway routes.

Official Hotels

You can book one of the hotels listed below when you register for PSIVT.

# hotel/inn nearest sta.
A1 Tokyo Dome Hotel Suidobashi (Mita line)
A2 Suidobashi Grand Hotel (Japanese pages only) Suidobashi (Mita line)
A3 Green Hotel Korakuen Suidobashi (Mita line)
A4 KKR Hotel Tokyo 3 min. walk

Other Hotels close to the conference venue

Here is a list of hotels near the venue. Internet connection is available in most hotels and inns.

Other additional information on hotel/inns in Tokyo is available at the following sites.

Deluxe: 12,000 - 18,000 JPY

# hotel/inn nearest sta.
B1 Hotel Grand Palace Kudanshita (Shinjuku line)
B2 HILLTOP HOTEL 5 min. walk
B3 HAMILTON INN OCHANOMIZU Ogawamachi (Shinjuku line)
B4 Grand Arc Hanzomon Hanzomon (Hanzomon line)

Standard: 8,000 - 12,000 JPY

# hotel/inn nearest sta.
C1 Ryokan Ryumeikan Honten Ogawamachi (Shinjuku line)
C2 Hotel Villa Fontaine Jimbocho 5 min. walk
C3 Hotel Villa Fontaine Kudanshita 5 min. walk
C4 Hotel Villa Fontaine Otemachi 5 min. walk
C5 Grand Central Hotel Ogawamachi (Shinjuku line)
C6 TOKYU STAY SUIDOBASHI Suidobashi (Mita line)
C7 Tokyo Ochanomizu Hotel Juraku Ogawamachi (Shinjuku line)

Modest: 4,000 - 8,000 JPY

# hotel/inn nearest sta.
D1 Ryokan HOMEIKAN (Internet connection N/A) Kasuga (Mita line)
D2 SAKURA HOTEL 5 min. walk
D3 Keio Presso Inn Kanda Ogawamachi (Shinjuku line)
D4 Tokyo INTERNATIONAL HOSTEL (Internet connection N/A) Iidabashi (Tozai line)

Contact Address: psivt2009 at (replace 'at' by '@')

© PSIVT 2009 Organizing Committee All rights reserved.