Call for Papers

2nd Call for Papers [PDF; 709 KB]

This symposium will provide a forum for presenting and exploring the newest research and development in image and video technology. The symposium combines a conference with an exhibition (showing the latest products in image and video technology), and offers also tutorials. The symposium will bring together technical issues, theory and practice, artistic and consumer innovations, and invites researchers, artists, developers, educators, performers, and practitioners of image and video technology from the Pacific Rim and around the world.

To maintain the highest possible standards, all submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process which will be carried out by at least three experienced researchers in the field. The review will be rigorous and based on criteria related to the relevance (for the symposium topics), originality, technical correctness, clarity and quality of presentation. Details on paper submission will be available soon.

Following the tradition of past PSIVTs, accepted papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.


Important Dates (detail)

Submission Deadline: August 18, 2008
Notification: September 22, 2008
Camera-ready Submission: beginning of October, 2008
Symposium: January 13-16, 2009

Main Themes

1. Image Sensors and Multimedia Hardware
Still image or video cameras, panoramic cameras, multi-view camera design, range finders, gaze or eye tracking systems, 3D visualization hardware, high resolution medical imaging, etc.
2. Graphics and Visualization
Interaction between graphics and vision, image-based human-computer interaction, image-based virtual reality techniques, 3D video generation and editing, 3D visualization techniques and systems, etc.
3. Image and Video Analysis
Super resolution, image refinement, feature extraction, color analysis segmentation, motion analysis, tracking, etc.
4. Recognition and Retrieval
Object recognition, event recognition, image/video retrieval, face or biometric authentication, etc.
5. Multi-view Imaging and Processing
Stereo and multi-viewpoint image processing, multi-view geometry, camera calibration, panoramic image processing, view morphing, remote sensing and photogrammetry, SAR, etc.
6. Computer Vision Applications
Video surveillance, visual inspections, intelligent transportation systems, SLAM and navigation, medical image analysis, etc.
7. Video Communications and Networking
Image/video compression, error resilient video coding, video error concealment, joint source/channel coding, low-bit-rate video coding, video streaming over wireless/wired networks, etc.
8. Multimedia Processing
Image and video watermarking, steganalysis, steganography, multimedia content analysis, multimedia feature extraction, etc.

Contact Address: psivt2009 at (replace 'at' by '@')

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